Transmission modes tells that in which direction data is travelling. Means by knowing the transmission mode we can understand data transfer unidirectional or bidirectional. It is also known as communication modes.
There are three types of Transmission modes
- Simplex
- Half Duplex
- Full Duplex

1. Simplex Mode
In simplex mode, the data transmit in unidirectional (one direction). In other words in simplex mode only sender can send the data, receiver can not send data to sender. TV broadcasting is a good example of Simplex mode. TV broadcaster send signal to our TV, but TV can not send signal to Broadcaster.

Advantages of Simplex Mode
- easiest way of communication.
- It require less cost
- Full capacity of transmission medium is utilize
- no traffic issue.
Disadvantages of Simplex Mode
- Only one direction communication is possible.
- No way to verify data transmitted successfully.
2. Half Duplex
In any system if two devices are connected with Half Duplex mode then both devices can send data but not together. Means In Half Duplex mode if one device is sending the data then other device only receive the data until whole data transmission is finished then receiver can also send data to sender back.
In Half Duplex mode both device can not send data simultaneously. Those devices can send data one after another. A walkie talkie is a good example of Half Duplex mode. In walkie talkie system only one person can send massage to other and after completing the massage other person send massage to first person.

Advantages of Half Duplex Mode
- Both devices can send and receive data.
- Full capacity of transmission medium is utilize
- No traffic issue.
Disadvantages of Half Duplex Mode
- Receiver can not send data until it receive full data.
- no simultaneous communication.
- Communication delay.
3. Full Duplex Mode
In Full Duplex mode there is no restriction of sending and receiving data. Hence both devices can send and receive data simultaneously. Mobile phone is a good example of Full Duplex Mode, With mobile phone we can communicate (transfer data ) together.

Advantages of Full Duplex Mode
- Both devices can send data simultaneously.
- No delay in communication.
- It is used in real time communication system.
- Reliable communication system.
Disadvantages of Full Duplex Mode
- It is most expensive mode.
- Not fully utilization of transmission medium.
- It is more complex then other mode.
In this article we studied about transmission modes. Below are the more article related to Transmission of Data
Transmission Media
Wireless Transmission Media
Serial and Parallel Transmission
Hub Switch and Router
Types of Network Topology
Types of Network Protocol