Python program to check Armstrong number

Python program to check Armstrong number

Python program to check Armstrong number
In this example, we will learn how to check whether a number is Armstrong or not. A positive number is called Armstrong if
Python program to check Armstrong number
Where n is the number of digits in the given number.
# Armstrong number in python using while loop
n = int(input( ‘ Enter any number to check Armstrong : ‘ ) )
sum = 0
temp = n
while temp > 0
    digit = temp % 10 
    sum += digit ** 3
    temp //= 10
if( n == sum):
    print( ‘ Number is Armstrong ‘ )
    print( ‘ Number is not Armstrong ‘ )

Enter any number to check Armstrong : 125
Number is not Armstrong 
Again run the program
Enter any number to check Armstrong : 153
Number is Armstrong 


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Python program to check Armstrong Number

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