Functional Components of Computer System

Computer performs various types of operations like storing data, processing, managing etc. These type of operations are performed by the basic components of computer.

The following figure shows the block diagram of functional components of Computer System.

Functional Components of Computer System

1. Input Unit

Data and instructions are entered into the computer though the input unit. Input unit provides a link between the external environment and computer system. With the help of input devices the user operates the computer. The most common input devices are keyboard and mouse.

2. Storage Unit

The data and instructions that are entered into computer system from input devices have to be stored. The memory storage devices are used to store data in computer system.

3. Central Processing Unit

CPU is the main unit inside the computer. It is responsible for all events inside the computer. CPU is the central unit of computer where all the operations are performed. Each components of the computer is under control of CPU which works as the brain of computer. Modern CPU are small and square and the whole circuit can be packed in a single chip of semiconductor material. The chip is known as Microprocessor.

CPU is divided into two units

a) Arithmetic and Logic Unit

The arithmetic and logic unit performs all the arithmetic and logic operations. It is the place where actual execution of the instructions takes place.

Arithmetic Unit divided into two section

i) Arithmetic Section

Arithmetic section is responsible for arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

ii)Logic Section

Logic section is responsible for logic operation like comparison of two numbers or words. There are mainly three conditions such as Equals to, Less than and greater than conditions.

b)Control Unit

Control unit control the every parts of computer system. It controls flow of information, manipulation of data. It does not perform any calculation. Control unit serve the data and instruction for ALU.

4. Output Unit

Output unit is responsible for delivering output to the user. The result come from the CPU is in the form of binary which needs to be converted human readable form, this task is done by the output unit.

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