

Functional Components of Computer System

Computer performs various types of operations like storing data, processing, managing etc. These type of operations are performed by the basic components of computer. The following figure shows the block diagram of functional components of Computer System. 1. Input Unit Data…

C Program to Convert km to miles

Convert km to miles

In this example we are going to convert km to miles using C program. In program first we take input from user in KM then we will convert it into Miles using Bellow formula. 1 km = 0.621 miles Convert…

C Program to Find Percentage of 5 Subjects

Find Percentage of 5 Subjects

In this example we are going to find percentage of 5 Subjects. For this first of all marks of 5 subjects and then calculate Total Obtain marks and last we can calculate the percentage by given below formula. Find percentage…

C Program to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

C Program to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

In this example, We will learn how to convert Celsius into Fahrenheit. This we use following formula C Program to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit Output Introduction of C and Hello World ProgramC program to Addition of two numbers C program…

C Program to Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius

Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius

In this example, we will learn how to change Fahrenheit to Celsius. For this we use following formula Program to Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius in C Output Introduction of C and Hello World ProgramC program to Addition of two numbers…

C Program to Swap Two Numbers

C Program to Swap Two Numbers

In this example, We are going to swap two numbers. For interchanging two number we use a third variable for temporally storing value. Program to swap two numbers in c Output Introduction of C and Hello World ProgramC program to…

C Program to Calculate Compound Interest

Compound Interest Calculation in C

In this example, We will calculate Compound Interest. For calculating compound interest formula given below Program to calculate compound interest in c Output Explanation In this program we have used a new header file math.h Because we used a pow()…

C Program to Calculate Simple Interest

Calculate Simple Interest

In this example, we will calculate simple interest. For calculating simple interest formula given below Program to calculate Simple Interest in C Output Introduction of C and Hello World ProgramC program to Addition of two numbers C program to find…