C Program to Find Area of Triangle

In this example, We will understand how to find Area of Triangle.

1. Area of Right Angled Triangle

We know the formula for area of right angled triangle is

area = (p * b)/2

where p = perpendicular and b= base

void main()
    float p,b,area;
    printf("area of Triangle = %f",area);


area of Trinagle = 79.56

2. Area of non equilateral Triangle

If the triangle is non equilateral means all side of triangle is different size. Then The formula for triangle will be

void main()
    float a,b,c,temp,area;
    temp = (s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c));
    area = pow(temp,0.5);
    printf("Area of the Triangle = %.2f",area);


Area of the Triangle = 72.62


In this example, a,b,c variables are used to store values of three side of triangle. Where as temp is used to store temporary value and then we have to find under root of temp. For that, we know under root is equals to power of 0.5. so we used a built in function pow().

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